Rice water toner

Benefit of Rice water toner

Credit by: Angela Oi Chung

Rice water toner, also known as rice water skin care, is a beauty and skincare product made from starchy water left over after rinsing or boiling rice. This traditional Asian beauty secret has been used for centuries, particularly in countries like Japan, Korea, and China, for its purported benefits for the skin. It is known for its potential to improve skin texture and tone. Here's how it is typically prepared and used:

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  1. Rinsing Method: The most basic method involves rinsing uncooked rice thoroughly with water. The milky water that results from this process is what is used as the toner.

  2. Boiling Method: Some people prefer to boil rice in water until it becomes cloudy. The starchy water is then separated and used as a toner.

  3. Fermentation: In some cases, rice water can be allowed to ferment for a few days before use. Fermentation is believed to enhance its beneficial properties.

I watched her instructional video attentively and attempted the process multiple times to make the DIY rice water toner. Initially, the first few attempts proved unsuccessful, possibly due to the scorching hot weather conditions. Additionally, there was an unpleasant odor during the process. However, after persistent efforts, I eventually succeeded in creating a final product that closely resembled the rice water toner provided in the video. I have been utilizing this homemade rice water toner for a duration of one month, and without a doubt, I have noticed a remarkable enhancement in the overall appearance of my skin. Specifically, my skin tone has become noticeably brighter and smoother, which is truly satisfying.

Rice water toner skincare benefits

  1. Hydration: Rice water toner is a natural moisturizer that helps to hydrate and soften the skin. It contains vitamins, minerals, and amino acids, improving the skin's overall texture and making it look smoother and more supple.

  2. Brightening: Rice water toner is rich in antioxidants, such as ferulic acid and allantoin, which can help to brighten the skin and reduce the appearance of dark spots and hyperpigmentation. Regular use of rice water toner can result in a more even skin tone and a brighter complexion.

  3. Soothing: Rice water toner has anti-inflammatory properties that can help to soothe and calm irritated or sensitive skin. It can be particularly beneficial for people with acne-prone or oily skin, as it can help to reduce redness and inflammation.

  4. Anti-aging: Rice water toner is packed with antioxidants that can help to protect the skin from damage caused by free radicals. Free radicals can accelerate the aging process and lead to the formation of fine lines and wrinkles. By using rice water toner regularly, you can help to minimize the signs of aging and achieve a more youthful appearance.

Overall, rice water toner is a natural and affordable skincare product that can provide numerous benefits for the skin. It is suitable for all skin types and can be incorporated into your skincare routine to improve hydration, brighten the skin, soothe irritation, and combat signs of aging.

Of course, if you don't have the time or inclination to make your own rice water toner, you can try our product. I have personally used this rice water toner on multiple occasions, and I must say that I am quite impressed. Let me elaborate on a few key points to give you a better understanding. Firstly, one of the things that stood out to me is that it has a pleasant scent. While it may not have an overpowering fragrance, I found the subtle scent quite appealing. Secondly, the price of our product is extremely reasonable, making it a cost-effective and convenient option for individuals who are always on the go and don't have the luxury of time to prepare their own DIY rice water toner. As the saying goes, time is valuable, and with our product, you can save both time and money!



  1. 漂洗法:最基本的方法是用水徹底漂洗未煮熟的米飯。由此過程產生的乳白色水就是用作爽膚水的澱粉水。

  2. 煮沸法:有些人喜歡將米飯煮沸,直到水變濁。然後將澱粉水分離出來作為爽膚水使用。

  3. 發酵法:在某些情況下,米水可以在使用前發酵幾天。人們相信發酵可以增強其益處。


  1. 保濕:米水爽膚水是一種天然保濕劑,有助於滋潤和軟化皮膚。它含有維生素、礦物質和氨基酸,改善皮膚質地,使其看起來更光滑、更有彈性。

  2. 亮白:米水爽膚水富含抗氧化劑,如阿魏酸和尿囊素,可以幫助提亮皮膚,減少黑斑和色素沉著的出現。定期使用米水爽膚水可以使膚色更加均勻,膚色更加明亮。

  3. 舒緩:米水爽膚水具有消炎的特性,可以舒緩和鎮靜受刺激或敏感的皮膚。對於易長痘痘或油性皮膚的人尤其有益,可以減少紅腫和發炎。

  4. 抗衰老:米水爽膚水中富含抗氧化劑,可以幫助保護皮膚免受自由基引起的損傷。自由基可以加速皮膚老化,形成細紋和皺紋。定期使用米水爽膚水可以減少衰老跡象,獲得更年輕的外觀。



Angela Oi Chung, MSN, PA-C, NP

I am a certified Gastrointestinal Nurse and Physician Assistant with over 20 years of experience in various healthcare fields.


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