Vagal tone is the activity of the vagus nerve. It is important for human health and well-being in many ways. The vagus nerve is the longest nerve in the body and starts in the brainstem and extends down into the neck, chest, and abdomen. It has branches connecting to many organs, including the heart, lungs, digestive tract, and immune system.


  1. What are vagus nerve functions

  2. What is the vagal tone

  3. Serotonin in the gut

  4. What is the low vagal tone

  5. Probiotic for Vagus nerve

What are vagus nerve functions

The vagus nerve plays a crucial role in regulating many bodily functions, including:

  1. Heart rate: The vagus nerve helps regulate heart rate and can slow down the heart rate in response to relaxation and stress-reducing activities.

  2. Digestion: The vagus nerve helps stimulate the digestive system, promoting the release of digestive enzymes and increasing blood flow to the gut.

  3. Respiratory function: The vagus nerve helps regulate breathing, promoting relaxation and reducing stress and anxiety.

  4. Immune function: The vagus nerve has anti-inflammatory effects and can help regulate the immune system.

  5. Stress response: The vagus nerve plays a key role in the body's stress response system, helping to reduce stress and promote relaxation.

What is Vagal Tone?

Vagus nerve pathway

Credit: Will Ludwig/C&EN/Shutterstock

Vagal tone can be thought of as exercising the vagus nerve. The vagus nerve plays a critical role in regulating many bodily functions, including those related to mental health. Research has shown that individuals with low vagal tone are more likely to experience anxiety, depression, and other mental health conditions. This is because the vagus nerve activates the body's relaxation response, essential for managing stress and anxiety. When the vagus nerve functions correctly, it can help reduce inflammation, promote calmness and relaxation, and improve overall emotional well-being.

Serotonin in the Gut

Serotonin can travel from the cells in the gastrointestinal tract to the brain via the vagus nerve. Specifically, serotonin-producing cells in the gut release serotonin into the extracellular space. The serotonin then binds to serotonin receptors on the sensory fibers of the vagus nerve, which are located in the gut wall. The activation of these receptors triggers an action potential that travels up the vagus nerve and into the brainstem, which can then influence the activity of neurons that regulate mood, appetite, and other physiological processes.

It's important to note that the vagus nerve also has afferent fibers that transmit information from the brain to the gut, and this bidirectional communication between the gut and brain is known as the gut-brain axis. The activity of the vagus nerve plays a crucial role in regulating this axis, and disruptions in vagal activity have been implicated in several psychiatric and gastrointestinal disorders.

In addition, the vagus nerve is part of the parasympathetic nervous system, responsible for the body's "rest and digest" response. When the vagus nerve is activated, it slows down the heart rate, reduces blood pressure, and helps the body relax.

What is a Low Vagal Tone

Low vagal tone means poor communication between the brain and the vagus nerve, resulting in a weaker parasympathetic response and a greater likelihood of stress, anxiety, and other health problems, including cardiovascular disease and gastrointestinal disorders. Improving vagal tone through techniques like deep breathing, meditation, and exercise may positively impact overall health and well-being.

Several things can be done to improve vagal tone, which can help reduce stress, improve digestion, and promote overall health and well-being. Here are some practical ways to improve vagal tone:

Yoga Fish Pose

Fish Pose, Credit by Cass Rui Tan

  1. Deep breathing exercises: Slow, deep breathing is one of the most effective ways to activate the vagus nerve and improve vagal tone. Practicing diaphragmatic breathing involves breathing deeply into the belly rather than the chest. This can be done through simple belly or box breathing exercises.

  2. Meditation: Mindfulness meditation, which involves focusing on the present moment and observing thoughts without judgment, has been shown to increase vagal tone. The best is to practice meditation for a few minutes a day.

  3. Yoga: Many yoga postures involve deep breathing and gentle movements that can help activate the vagus nerve and improve vagal tone. Bridge Pose, Fish Pose, Child's Pose, and Downward-Facing Dog Pose are believed to stimulate the vagus nerve by stretching the neck, chest, and throat, which can help to increase blood flow and oxygenation to the vagus nerve. It is important to note that while yoga can be a helpful tool for improving vagal tone, it should not replace medical treatment for any health condition. Talking to your healthcare provider before starting any new exercise or supplement regimen is important if you have a medical condition.

  4. Gargling with water can stimulate the muscles in the back of your throat and activate the vagus nerve.

Yoga Bridge Pose

Bridge Pose, Credit by Cass Rui Tan

Yoga Child pose

Child Pose, Credit by Cass Rui Tan

Down-ward facing dog

Downward-Facing Dog Pose, Credit by Cass Rui Tan

It's important to note that improving vagal tone takes time and consistency. You should practice these techniques in your daily routine and be patient as they work to improve your vagal tone.

Probiotic for Vagus Nerve

There is some preliminary evidence to suggest that supplementation with probiotics such as Bacillus coagulans may have a positive effect on vagal tone. Bacillus coagulans is a type of probiotic that has been shown to promote the growth of healthy gut bacteria and improve digestive function.

One study published in the Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology found that supplementation with Bacillus coagulans improved vagal tone in patients with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), a condition often associated with impaired vagal tone. The study authors suggested that the improvement in vagal tone may be due to the anti-inflammatory properties of Bacillus coagulans and its ability to modulate the gut microbiome.

After 90 days of supplementation, the group receiving the probiotic supplement showed a significant improvement in vagal tone compared to the placebo group. The probiotic group also improved IBS symptoms, including abdominal pain and bloating.

While Bacillus coagulans may help to improve vagal tone, speaking with a healthcare professional before starting a new supplement regimen is important. In addition, other lifestyle factors such as diet, exercise, and stress management may also play a role in improving vagal tone.

Mediation pose

Credit by Kieferoix


Chudzik A, Orzyłowska A, Rola R, Stanisz GJ. Probiotics, Prebiotics and Postbiotics on Mitigation of Depression Symptoms: Modulation of the Brain–Gut–Microbiome Axis. Biomolecules. 2021; 11(7):1000.

Fijan, S., & Šinkovec, J. (2015). The effect of probiotic strain Bacillus coagulans on the mental and physical condition of healthy and physically active individuals: A double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study. Frontiers in Physiology, 6, 317. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2015.00317

Yoon, J. E., Bang, C. S., Baik, G. H., & Park, S. W. (2018). The effect of Bacillus coagulans and lactobacillus acidophilus on gut microbial composition in adults with irritable bowel syndrome. Gut and Liver, 12(6), 745-753. doi: 10.5009/gnl18055

Angela Oi Chung, MSN, PA-C, NP

I am a certified Gastrointestinal Nurse and Physician Assistant with over 20 years of experience in various healthcare fields.

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